Evidence to accelerate progress toward meeting the need for family planning

Our colleague Sally Theobald will be presenting on building gender equitable health systems in post-conflict and crisis settings.

22 June 2017


To coincide with the 2017 Family Planning Summit, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is hosting a research symposium in London, in collaboration with the DFID-funded Research Programme consortium Strengthening Evidence for Programming for Unintended Pregnancy (STEP UP) and the Maternal Healthcare Markets Evaluation Team (MET).

The research symposium will:

  • Share the latest evidence on unmet need for family planning,
  • Review evidenced-informed programming for addressing unmet need for family planning,
  • Discuss a research agenda aligned to the global architecture for family planning.

Read more here.

We are delighted that one of the RinGs team, Sally Theobald, has been invited to present some of the findings from our Building Back Betterwork.

Throughout the world, gender norms, roles and expectations restrict and undermine women’s potential, behaviour and freedom. The turmoil and violence of war can exacerbate inequalities between men and women. As the conflict fades, however, possibilities are created for profound change. Donor funds flow, social norms are in a state of flux and there may be an appetite for political change. Sally’s presentation will provide evidence on how a range of countries recovering from conflict have utilised these opportunities to improve policy and programming for women’s health, particularly family planning.

Registration is free. Any inquiries, please email: stepup@lshtm.ac.uk