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RinGs consultancy services

RinGs provides consultancy services to multi-lateral organisations, donors, research projects and civil society organisations who would like to improve their performance when it comes to gender and health systems. If you would like to discuss future collaborations please do get in touch.

Gender and Universal Health Coverage (UHC): A Literature Review

Client: World Health Organization

In 2018 RinGs conducted a literature review to explore the specific gender dimensions related to UHC across a range of different contexts with differing health systems. Evidence was presented in relation to the role of gender inequity within key dimensions of UHC, including financial and social protection (i.e. proportion of costs which are covered and the mechanisms in which they are financed), services included in essential health packages under UHC, and effective coverage (AAAQ considerations including access and other barriers and who is left behind).

Toolkit: Incorporating gender analysis in infectious disease research

Client: Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), World Health Organization

In 2018 RinGs is developing a toolkit on how to incorporate gender analysis into infectious disease research. The toolkit will include modules outlining the different activities required to conduct a gender analysis and/or ensure research is gender sensitive.

Strengthening gender analysis within eHealth research/interventions

Client: Canadian International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

In 2015-2016 RinGs evaluated the extent to which gender was mainstreamed across eHealth research projects in seven low- and middle-income countries with the purpose of building the capacity of research teams to incorporate gender analysis into their eHealth projects and future research activities, support the IDRC to strengthen the research teams’ capacity to incorporate gender analysis into their research and improve the gender sensitivity of future research projects.

Strengthening incorporation of gender and human rights approach into training materials

Client: World Health Organization

In 2015 RinGs evaluated training materials on the integration of equity into strategies, programmes and activities related to maternal health and child health (MDG 4 and 5) with an explicit but not exclusive focus on the Roma population to explore how a gender and human rights approach could be better incorporated throughout the materials and provided specific recommendations.